Popular communications forum
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Участников: 78
- НТВРабочий
- Сообщения : 42
Репутация : 1227
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Дата регистрации : 2021-09-09
Re: Popular communications forum
Вс Окт 10, 2021 2:04 pm
Carta aberta para minha filha @mimin__pinguimm
Querida filha, deixa-me dizer-te algumas coisas que se calhar não vais ouvir de mais ninguém. Os teus pais fizeram sempre o melhor que souberam fazer. E os avós também fizeram isso com os pais. Ninguém é melhor do que ninguém. Andamos todos às apalpadelas nesta coisa a que chamam vida. Ser feliz é o objetivo e cada pessoa tem uma noção diferente do que é a felicidade. Respeita isso. Deixa-me dizer-te que, quando nasces, já existe um Sistema onde se tabela logo que vais passar 12 anos a estudar e mais cinco na universidade. São 17 anos da tua vida. Tenta aprofundar as matérias que mais interesse te despertem e nunca, mas nunca, escolhas um curso só porque tem mais saídas profissionais. É que depois, o tal Sistema, vais trabalhar mais 40 anos até à reforma e, pelo menos, tens que gostar de fazer o que fazes para não caires no consultório de um psiquiatra que te receita umas pílulas da alegria que só mascaram a dor (os anti depressivos são os cosméticos da alma). Porque sempre que o despertador tocar vais suspirar que não. Portanto, escolhe um trabalho que te alegre e motive e que ainda te dê algum dinheiro a ganhar (o dinheiro é importante sim mas a saúde está em primeiro lugar). Caso contrário vais odiar a segunda feira para sempre e para sempre suspirar pela sexta. Outra coisa que te vou dizer é que não tens que te casar e ter filhos só porque toda a gente o faz. Nem aos 30, nem aos 40. É difícil estar num relacionamento quando ainda nem sequer te conheces bem, não fizeste as viagens que tinhas que fazer e depois os filhos nascem e já não as vais fazer porque tudo tem um preço. As fraldas são caras e o frigorífico tem que estar sempre com comida. Querida filha, casa-te só quando sentires que já estás preparada para partilhar algo de teu com o outro. Tenta ser independente, não vás a casa de banho acompanhada por amigas só porque não o queres fazer sozinha. Não tem mal nenhum estares sozinha. É bom gostarmos da nossa própria companhia. Outra coisa, vais encontrar gente muito má pelo teu caminho, pessoas que contaminam as outras com os seus gestos e palavras.
Nos comentários logo abaixo o restante da carta…
Querida filha, deixa-me dizer-te algumas coisas que se calhar não vais ouvir de mais ninguém. Os teus pais fizeram sempre o melhor que souberam fazer. E os avós também fizeram isso com os pais. Ninguém é melhor do que ninguém. Andamos todos às apalpadelas nesta coisa a que chamam vida. Ser feliz é o objetivo e cada pessoa tem uma noção diferente do que é a felicidade. Respeita isso. Deixa-me dizer-te que, quando nasces, já existe um Sistema onde se tabela logo que vais passar 12 anos a estudar e mais cinco na universidade. São 17 anos da tua vida. Tenta aprofundar as matérias que mais interesse te despertem e nunca, mas nunca, escolhas um curso só porque tem mais saídas profissionais. É que depois, o tal Sistema, vais trabalhar mais 40 anos até à reforma e, pelo menos, tens que gostar de fazer o que fazes para não caires no consultório de um psiquiatra que te receita umas pílulas da alegria que só mascaram a dor (os anti depressivos são os cosméticos da alma). Porque sempre que o despertador tocar vais suspirar que não. Portanto, escolhe um trabalho que te alegre e motive e que ainda te dê algum dinheiro a ganhar (o dinheiro é importante sim mas a saúde está em primeiro lugar). Caso contrário vais odiar a segunda feira para sempre e para sempre suspirar pela sexta. Outra coisa que te vou dizer é que não tens que te casar e ter filhos só porque toda a gente o faz. Nem aos 30, nem aos 40. É difícil estar num relacionamento quando ainda nem sequer te conheces bem, não fizeste as viagens que tinhas que fazer e depois os filhos nascem e já não as vais fazer porque tudo tem um preço. As fraldas são caras e o frigorífico tem que estar sempre com comida. Querida filha, casa-te só quando sentires que já estás preparada para partilhar algo de teu com o outro. Tenta ser independente, não vás a casa de banho acompanhada por amigas só porque não o queres fazer sozinha. Não tem mal nenhum estares sozinha. É bom gostarmos da nossa própria companhia. Outra coisa, vais encontrar gente muito má pelo teu caminho, pessoas que contaminam as outras com os seus gestos e palavras.
Nos comentários logo abaixo o restante da carta…
НТВ поставил(а) лайк
- НТВРабочий
- Сообщения : 42
Репутация : 1227
Сила : 0
Дата регистрации : 2021-09-09
Re: Popular communications forum
Вс Окт 10, 2021 2:04 pm
Todo mundo, todo mundo, todo mundo vê
Eu só queria que você soubesse que toda minha mudança é genuína…
Genuinamente por você
Dizem que eu ando bem melhor depois que eu terminei
Todo mundo consegue enxergar o quanto eu melhorei
Engraçado ver eles pensando que eu te superei
Mesmo entendendo que o problema nunca foi você
Se não tivesse ido eu não ia me resolver
'Tava confortável né? E ninguém aprende assim
Aprendi, mas cadê você pra me aplaudir?
Se todo mundo viu porque você não tá vendo
Letra de música:
Eu só queria que você soubesse que toda minha mudança é genuína…
Genuinamente por você
Dizem que eu ando bem melhor depois que eu terminei
Todo mundo consegue enxergar o quanto eu melhorei
Engraçado ver eles pensando que eu te superei
Mesmo entendendo que o problema nunca foi você
Se não tivesse ido eu não ia me resolver
'Tava confortável né? E ninguém aprende assim
Aprendi, mas cadê você pra me aplaudir?
Se todo mundo viu porque você não tá vendo
Letra de música:
НТВ поставил(а) лайк
- НТВРабочий
- Сообщения : 42
Репутация : 1227
Сила : 0
Дата регистрации : 2021-09-09
Re: Popular communications forum
Вс Окт 10, 2021 2:05 pm
Podemos acreditar que tudo que a vida nos oferecerá no futuro é repetir o que fizemos ontem e hoje. Mas, se prestarmos atenção, vamos nos dar conta de que nenhum dia é igual a outro. Cada manhã traz uma bênção escondida; uma bênção que só serve para esse dia e que não se pode guardar nem desaproveitar. Se não usamos este milagre hoje, ele vai se perder. Este milagre está nos detalhes do cotidiano; é preciso viver cada minuto porque ali encontramos a saída de nossas confusões, a alegria de nossos bons momentos, a pista correta para a decisão que tomaremos. Nunca podemos deixar que cada dia pareça igual ao anterior porque todos os dias são diferentes, porque estamos em constante processo de mudança…
НТВ поставил(а) лайк
- НТВРабочий
- Сообщения : 42
Репутация : 1227
Сила : 0
Дата регистрации : 2021-09-09
Re: Popular communications forum
Вс Окт 10, 2021 2:05 pm
Vocês sabem o que é Alopécia ? Pois tava eu ficando careca
Devido às grandes percas que sofri na vida, tive depressão profunda e ansiedade, causando a perca de cabelo na região frontal.
É gente, não parece mas tenho umas falhas no cabelo ali na região frontal. O estresse, a sobrecarga, a tristeza e ansiedade causaram a perca de alguns chumaços de cabelo. Já tomei remédio inclusive para que voltassem a crescer mas não tinha adiantado. Muitas de nós mulheres temos Alopécia e não sabemos. Faz um teste na sua casa, amarre o cabelo pra cima e olhe a região ao redor da orelha, depois me diz se não falta um chumacinho E a top @deborah_balthazar_ profissional conhecida em Aveiro, que é parceira da maravilhosa @gisellereixach_sobrancelhas está tratando agora de fazer esse milagre de voltar a crescer cabelo nas regiões que estão com falhas, com TERAPIA de REPARAÇÃO TECIDUAL.
O mais legal, foi que depois da live que fizemos explicando essa terapia, várias mulheres me mandaram mensagens a contar que também são calvas, e se eu puder mostrar pra vocês de alguma forma, e com informação acabamos por ajudar umas as outrasQuem tiver dúvida dos procedimentos ou quiser saber mais sobre o trabalho da Débora, o IG dela estará identificado neste post, pode perguntar a vontade!!
Devido às grandes percas que sofri na vida, tive depressão profunda e ansiedade, causando a perca de cabelo na região frontal.
É gente, não parece mas tenho umas falhas no cabelo ali na região frontal. O estresse, a sobrecarga, a tristeza e ansiedade causaram a perca de alguns chumaços de cabelo. Já tomei remédio inclusive para que voltassem a crescer mas não tinha adiantado. Muitas de nós mulheres temos Alopécia e não sabemos. Faz um teste na sua casa, amarre o cabelo pra cima e olhe a região ao redor da orelha, depois me diz se não falta um chumacinho E a top @deborah_balthazar_ profissional conhecida em Aveiro, que é parceira da maravilhosa @gisellereixach_sobrancelhas está tratando agora de fazer esse milagre de voltar a crescer cabelo nas regiões que estão com falhas, com TERAPIA de REPARAÇÃO TECIDUAL.
O mais legal, foi que depois da live que fizemos explicando essa terapia, várias mulheres me mandaram mensagens a contar que também são calvas, e se eu puder mostrar pra vocês de alguma forma, e com informação acabamos por ajudar umas as outrasQuem tiver dúvida dos procedimentos ou quiser saber mais sobre o trabalho da Débora, o IG dela estará identificado neste post, pode perguntar a vontade!!
НТВ поставил(а) лайк
- НТВРабочий
- Сообщения : 42
Репутация : 1227
Сила : 0
Дата регистрации : 2021-09-09
Re: Popular communications forum
Вс Окт 10, 2021 2:10 pm
Só de pensar que em alguns anos, haverá alguém me chamando de sogra e que vem almoçar em casa no domingo…. já me dá desespero
НТВ и crach поставили лайк
- crachРабочий
- Сообщения : 57
Репутация : 1204
Сила : 0
Дата регистрации : 2021-10-10
Re: Popular communications forum
Вс Окт 10, 2021 4:49 pm
¡Gracias Madre amada por hacerte tan presente y cercana cuando rezamos el Santo Rosario! +18 today in Paris Happy SNL day
crach поставил(а) лайк
- crachРабочий
- Сообщения : 57
Репутация : 1204
Сила : 0
Дата регистрации : 2021-10-10
Re: Popular communications forum
Вс Окт 10, 2021 5:07 pm
I’m convinced that many professing Christians, particularly among white evangelicals, do not love God. Loving God is not lipservice, it’s action.
You cannot love God and mistreat what God has made. You cannot destroy the environment, the water, the food supply, and the lives of people based on the color of their skin and claim to love God. You cannot justify gun violence and the extra judicial murder of Black people by law enforcement. You cannot practice environmental injustice, where Black bodies die of pollution and asthma and poisoned soil and claim to love God.
I’ll be preaching about this in today’s sermon “The PREREQUISITES of the PROMISE.”
Join us at @413hope2 at 11AM in the sanctuary or LIVE on Facebook and YouTube.
You cannot love God and mistreat what God has made. You cannot destroy the environment, the water, the food supply, and the lives of people based on the color of their skin and claim to love God. You cannot justify gun violence and the extra judicial murder of Black people by law enforcement. You cannot practice environmental injustice, where Black bodies die of pollution and asthma and poisoned soil and claim to love God.
I’ll be preaching about this in today’s sermon “The PREREQUISITES of the PROMISE.”
Join us at @413hope2 at 11AM in the sanctuary or LIVE on Facebook and YouTube.
crach поставил(а) лайк
- crachРабочий
- Сообщения : 57
Репутация : 1204
Сила : 0
Дата регистрации : 2021-10-10
Re: Popular communications forum
Вс Окт 10, 2021 5:19 pm
Jetzt, wo die Jungs schon so groß sind und kaum noch mit mir spazieren gehen wollen (vor allem Jason), genieße ich die Zeit mit den Mädels umso intensiver
Bei den Jungs konnte ich damals kaum erwarten, bis der nächste Meilenstein kommt… krabbeln, sitzen, laufen, reden, Kindergarten, Schule… und jetzt würde ich die Zeit so gerne zurückdrehen und alles noch mal bewusster erleben
Aber so ist das….Mit dem Alter und mit der Erfahrung wird man reifer. Und nimmt alles anders wahr
So langsam fange ich auch an zu verstehen, warum manche alte Menschen stehen bleiben, kleine Kinder beobachten und ganz sentimental werden
Das geht einfach alles so schnell vorbei
Und genau deswegen sollten wir uns viel mehr darum kümmern, was wirklich zählt. Und viel weniger Gedanken über die Dinge (und Menschen) machen, die eigentlich unwichtig sind
Ich wünsche euch allen einen wunderschönen Sonntag.
Jetzt, wo die Jungs schon so groß sind und kaum noch mit mir spazieren gehen wollen (vor allem Jason), genieße ich die Zeit mit den Mädels umso intensiver
Bei den Jungs konnte ich damals kaum erwarten, bis der nächste Meilenstein kommt… krabbeln, sitzen, laufen, reden, Kindergarten, Schule… und jetzt würde ich die Zeit so gerne zurückdrehen und alles noch mal bewusster erleben
Aber so ist das….Mit dem Alter und mit der Erfahrung wird man reifer. Und nimmt alles anders wahr
So langsam fange ich auch an zu verstehen, warum manche alte Menschen stehen bleiben, kleine Kinder beobachten und ganz sentimental werden
Das geht einfach alles so schnell vorbei
Und genau deswegen sollten wir uns viel mehr darum kümmern, was wirklich zählt. Und viel weniger Gedanken über die Dinge (und Menschen) machen, die eigentlich unwichtig sind
Ich wünsche euch allen einen wunderschönen Sonntag.
crach поставил(а) лайк
- crachРабочий
- Сообщения : 57
Репутация : 1204
Сила : 0
Дата регистрации : 2021-10-10
Re: Popular communications forum
Вс Окт 10, 2021 5:26 pm
Domingo a atividade com eles é sempre uma nova experiência.. amo meus filhos. The universe expresses itself in the form of life to evolve. and we are workers of that evolution, keep in mind that many other lives are crossed in the time that you live and not all of them are useful to climb steps. Wish them the necessary light and go on your way. Wonderful morning of the first vacation day Vielen Dank Erfolg • Finanzen • Mindset, für deine Positive Gedanken folg mir für mehr Content was mir selber gefällt trau dich und teile deine Gedanken mit uns Wie denst du heute über diesen Post darüber, schreib es mir in die Kommentare jetzt oder markiere eine Person die du schätzt There’s a time to let it slow. There’s a time to let it a grow. And a time to let it go.
crach поставил(а) лайк
- АлёнаРабочий
- Сообщения : 38
Репутация : 1187
Сила : 0
Дата регистрации : 2021-10-10
Re: Popular communications forum
Вс Окт 10, 2021 5:56 pm
It's being here now that's important. There's no past and there's no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can't relive it, and we can hope for the future, but we don't know if there is one. Igual hacia arriba las pensiones es imposible. Ya que muchos se están quedando sin ahorros por irresponsabilidad de ellos mismos. Dolce Aqua Cam Newton and a shirtless Bruce Pearl pulled up to the Auburn game yesterday Bom dia com alegria What do you think about this beautiful red dress? How did that mouse get in my house? Ayer nos dimos otra vuelta por aquí. En pleno finde XXL y con una Córdoba de rutas abarrotadas, llegar a este rincón alejado del ruido fue un respiro lindo y necesario. Gracias amigos @estancialahungria por recibirnos tan amorosamente como siempre. Estancia La HungríaCamino interprovincial Santa Rosa de Calamuchita A 5' de Santa Rosa de Calamuchita centro y 10' de Villa General Belgrano A girl has never been the main character in this series UNTIL NOW The KO caught ringside! What a fight Disfrutando de la Feria de la belleza 2021
Алёна поставил(а) лайк
- АлёнаРабочий
- Сообщения : 38
Репутация : 1187
Сила : 0
Дата регистрации : 2021-10-10
Re: Popular communications forum
Пн Окт 11, 2021 3:27 am
Definitely my fav look from last night. This Old school classic glam A tan solo 2 días, para el momento más esperado de todos, Viva la Corte India. What an amazing week, with amazing people. Sunday mood #picoftheday / Los domingos son para pasarlos en pijama o qué dicen? No sabia cual escoger pero creo que la última es mi favorita una cara mil muecas JUST A BEAUTIFUL BLACK FAMILY TO BRIGHTEN UP YOUR TIMELINE Nossa turma está de volta amanhã, a partir das 11h50 na tela da recordtvoficial! Quem já estava com saudade? Villa de capas en Hashtgerd,
Layers Villa se encuentra en la región de Hashtger, en la provincia de Alborz, con una superficie de 1200 metros cuadrados.
Este edificio cuenta con cuatro pisos y la zona de aproximadamente 1200 metros cuadrados, incluyendo un salón de recepción, cocina, comedor, cuatro habitaciones principales, una suite completa, espacios deportivos, piscina, espacios de servicio, espacios de servicios, habitaciones de utilidad, etc. Recuerda darle Like y guarda el Post para verlo más tarde. Activa las Notificaciones y mantente inspirado todos los días. Vielen Dank Das Gesetz der Anziehung, für deine Positive Gedanken folg mir für mehr Content was mir selber gefällt trau dich und teile deine Gedanken mit uns Wie denst du heute über diesen Post darüber, schreib es mir in die Kommentare jetzt oder markiere eine Person die du schätzt
Layers Villa se encuentra en la región de Hashtger, en la provincia de Alborz, con una superficie de 1200 metros cuadrados.
Este edificio cuenta con cuatro pisos y la zona de aproximadamente 1200 metros cuadrados, incluyendo un salón de recepción, cocina, comedor, cuatro habitaciones principales, una suite completa, espacios deportivos, piscina, espacios de servicio, espacios de servicios, habitaciones de utilidad, etc. Recuerda darle Like y guarda el Post para verlo más tarde. Activa las Notificaciones y mantente inspirado todos los días. Vielen Dank Das Gesetz der Anziehung, für deine Positive Gedanken folg mir für mehr Content was mir selber gefällt trau dich und teile deine Gedanken mit uns Wie denst du heute über diesen Post darüber, schreib es mir in die Kommentare jetzt oder markiere eine Person die du schätzt
Алёна поставил(а) лайк
- АлёнаРабочий
- Сообщения : 38
Репутация : 1187
Сила : 0
Дата регистрации : 2021-10-10
Re: Popular communications forum
Пн Окт 11, 2021 3:40 am
تحبين الورد وانتي من الحسن ورده . نوفر لك هديتك وتنسيقها وتوصيلها لمن تُحب نقدم لكم الورد مع اجمل عبارات الود والحُب للتواصل 0544138416
Proyecto de diseño de iluminación de fachada recientemente completado en el corazón de Ahmedabad.
Completed façade lighting design project in the heart of ahmedabad.
「糸各咖啡」,特別的店名背後其實有個令人動容的主人與愛貓的緣分情誼。主人原本結束了開在新竹的咖啡店回到台中,在偶然的機緣下透過寵物師的溝通得知原本已回到喵星的愛貓傳達了希望主人繼續開店的意念,正因為如此的深厚緣分與情誼才能讓主人有了再次開店的的信念與勇氣 :-),所以「糸各咖啡」是店家主人為了紀念愛貓絡炎而開的... Umma keep it a Bucko Kochani, a co dobrego u was dziś na #obiad? U nas zupka Powiem wam szczerze, szkoda, że zdjęcie nie może przekazać ten smak Miłego wam życzymy Pet Cheetah - twenty one pilots the hi hat decided to break so enjoy some Duke content while I fix it. Η δεύτερη μέρα του salon expert lv 1 στην Αθήνα Κλασικό αμύγδαλο
Proyecto de diseño de iluminación de fachada recientemente completado en el corazón de Ahmedabad.
Completed façade lighting design project in the heart of ahmedabad.
「糸各咖啡」,特別的店名背後其實有個令人動容的主人與愛貓的緣分情誼。主人原本結束了開在新竹的咖啡店回到台中,在偶然的機緣下透過寵物師的溝通得知原本已回到喵星的愛貓傳達了希望主人繼續開店的意念,正因為如此的深厚緣分與情誼才能讓主人有了再次開店的的信念與勇氣 :-),所以「糸各咖啡」是店家主人為了紀念愛貓絡炎而開的... Umma keep it a Bucko Kochani, a co dobrego u was dziś na #obiad? U nas zupka Powiem wam szczerze, szkoda, że zdjęcie nie może przekazać ten smak Miłego wam życzymy Pet Cheetah - twenty one pilots the hi hat decided to break so enjoy some Duke content while I fix it. Η δεύτερη μέρα του salon expert lv 1 στην Αθήνα Κλασικό αμύγδαλο
Алёна поставил(а) лайк
- АлёнаРабочий
- Сообщения : 38
Репутация : 1187
Сила : 0
Дата регистрации : 2021-10-10
Re: Popular communications forum
Пн Окт 11, 2021 4:04 am
Hoy está de cumpleaños Jamar Rolando McNaughton, más conocido popularmente como CHRONIXX, es un artista de reggae jamaicano. Su nombre artístico reemplazó el nombre de "Little Chronicle" que le dieron por su padre, el cantante "Chronicle".
En esta foto lo recuerdo en aquél viaje a Jamaica en Febrero 2014 dónde nos encontramos en el aeropuerto de Kingston, Jamaica!
Larga vida al reggae long life
There’s a time to let it slow. There’s a time to let it a grow. And a time to let it go.
El fútbol uruguayo de luto. Falleció José Luis Sosa, Campeón Panamericano con Uruguay en 1983. Campeón Uruguayo con Nacional. Figura por años en Bella Vista. Jugó en Danubio, Wanderers, Central y Huracán Buceo, además de Brasil, Argentina y Colombia. A su familia y a todo su entorno el saludo solidario en este difícil trance.
Hoy está de cumpleaños Jamar Rolando McNaughton, más conocido popularmente como CHRONIXX, es un artista de reggae jamaicano. Su nombre artístico reemplazó el nombre de "Little Chronicle" que le dieron por su padre, el cantante "Chronicle".
En esta foto lo recuerdo en aquél viaje a Jamaica en Febrero 2014 dónde nos encontramos en el aeropuerto de Kingston, Jamaica!
Larga vida al reggae long life
There’s a time to let it slow. There’s a time to let it a grow. And a time to let it go.
El fútbol uruguayo de luto. Falleció José Luis Sosa, Campeón Panamericano con Uruguay en 1983. Campeón Uruguayo con Nacional. Figura por años en Bella Vista. Jugó en Danubio, Wanderers, Central y Huracán Buceo, además de Brasil, Argentina y Colombia. A su familia y a todo su entorno el saludo solidario en este difícil trance.
Алёна поставил(а) лайк
- crachРабочий
- Сообщения : 57
Репутация : 1204
Сила : 0
Дата регистрации : 2021-10-10
Re: Popular communications forum
Пн Окт 11, 2021 4:16 am
Autumn associated. They said it'd yellow. If you like to enjoy the lava washed by the ocean and natural pools, here are four. "Charco del Viento" is the busiest bathing area in La Guancha and one of the most famous pools with the best access in the north of Tenerife. Nuevos diseños... No se pierdan el capítulo de hoy del #Elacertijolaserie por señal Colombia. Its the ROOTS that draws in The water to the branches Swipe for more insights What does this mean to you? Let me know in the comments!
crach поставил(а) лайк
- crachРабочий
- Сообщения : 57
Репутация : 1204
Сила : 0
Дата регистрации : 2021-10-10
Re: Popular communications forum
Ср Окт 13, 2021 4:21 am
Vielen Dank Erfolg • Finanzen • Mindset, für deine Positive Gedanken
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folg mir für mehr Content was mir selber gefällt
trau dich und teile deine Gedanken mit uns
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Wie denst du heute über diesen Post darüber, schreib es mir in die Kommentare jetzt oder markiere eine Person die du schätzt
crach поставил(а) лайк
- Владимир ОсиповРабочий
- Сообщения : 50
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Re: Popular communications forum
Ср Окт 13, 2021 5:18 am
I can’t be the only one... right?? *cries in perfectionist*
Freedom is often misunderstood. It isn’t just a right, it is earned, it isn’t something that is given to you but something you have to fight for.
To be truly free we must first liberate ourselves from the toxic social standards and ideologies of society, you know, those things that people keep saying with no apparent reason. Here’s a fee I’ve personally heard:
: “you need to drink to have fun”
: “you must have children/be family focused”
: “you can’t be a male and a virgin above the age of 18”
: “the older you are the wiser you are”
: “how much you earn indicates your contribution to society”
Bull, of course because there are no standard rules applying to all. Want to be truly free? Work on being confident, work on accepting yourself and loving yourself for it, work on being kind with your flaws and learn to celebrate your qualities.
Trust me when I say, if you don’t nobody else will.
Freedom is often misunderstood. It isn’t just a right, it is earned, it isn’t something that is given to you but something you have to fight for.
To be truly free we must first liberate ourselves from the toxic social standards and ideologies of society, you know, those things that people keep saying with no apparent reason. Here’s a fee I’ve personally heard:
: “you need to drink to have fun”
: “you must have children/be family focused”
: “you can’t be a male and a virgin above the age of 18”
: “the older you are the wiser you are”
: “how much you earn indicates your contribution to society”
Bull, of course because there are no standard rules applying to all. Want to be truly free? Work on being confident, work on accepting yourself and loving yourself for it, work on being kind with your flaws and learn to celebrate your qualities.
Trust me when I say, if you don’t nobody else will.
Владимир Осипов поставил(а) лайк
- Владимир ОсиповРабочий
- Сообщения : 50
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Дата регистрации : 2021-08-25
Re: Popular communications forum
Ср Окт 13, 2021 5:34 am
Friday needs some good meditation sessh, so take a deep breath, cross your legs and chant with me.
There is a book in which the main character goes crazy when be realizes no one really knows him.
The gist is that the person you think of as “yourself”, exists only for you, and even you don’t really know who that is.
Every person you meet, have a relationship with or make eye contact on the street with, creates a version of “you” in their heads.
You’re not the same person to your mom, dad, siblings, than you are to your coworkers, neighbors, or your friends.
There are a thousand different versions of yourself out there, in people’s minds. That’s why, the only “you” that matters is the one you want to create, but how to create it?
You gotta listen to yourself.
Learn about what values you pay attention to as values are what deeply matters to us. Look at your life and observe (not judge) your choices. Is there a pattern?
Discover your core beliefs. These are basically the perspectives you have on different aspects of life and that we understand as “truth”. An example? “Money is the root of all evil”. You can agree with that and consider money as “bad” and as a consequence, fear money, or disagree with that, considering evil just the person who handles the money in an immoral way, and as a consequence being more aware of how we use money.
Recognize your parents’s voice in your head. Often times we have this voice that is very angry and harsh with us. That rarely is us, is usually the internalized voice of one of our parents (or both), that during our childhood critiqued us, didn’t make us feel safe, worthy, enough etc. It’s good to understand that this voice is not us, this voice make us anxious speaking in terms of “should” or “must”, this voice make us think of the future or the past, but never the present.
Ask yourself great, useful questions. If you have a lack of creativity here are some:
- Why questions. (Why did I feel compelled to send that text, have that argument, etc).
- Think about how to help yourself, rather than waiting for others to notice your mood and help you with that. If you are feeling down, ask yourself: “what can I do to feel better about myself?”
Are you ready for the ride of your life?
There is a book in which the main character goes crazy when be realizes no one really knows him.
The gist is that the person you think of as “yourself”, exists only for you, and even you don’t really know who that is.
Every person you meet, have a relationship with or make eye contact on the street with, creates a version of “you” in their heads.
You’re not the same person to your mom, dad, siblings, than you are to your coworkers, neighbors, or your friends.
There are a thousand different versions of yourself out there, in people’s minds. That’s why, the only “you” that matters is the one you want to create, but how to create it?
You gotta listen to yourself.
Learn about what values you pay attention to as values are what deeply matters to us. Look at your life and observe (not judge) your choices. Is there a pattern?
Discover your core beliefs. These are basically the perspectives you have on different aspects of life and that we understand as “truth”. An example? “Money is the root of all evil”. You can agree with that and consider money as “bad” and as a consequence, fear money, or disagree with that, considering evil just the person who handles the money in an immoral way, and as a consequence being more aware of how we use money.
Recognize your parents’s voice in your head. Often times we have this voice that is very angry and harsh with us. That rarely is us, is usually the internalized voice of one of our parents (or both), that during our childhood critiqued us, didn’t make us feel safe, worthy, enough etc. It’s good to understand that this voice is not us, this voice make us anxious speaking in terms of “should” or “must”, this voice make us think of the future or the past, but never the present.
Ask yourself great, useful questions. If you have a lack of creativity here are some:
- Why questions. (Why did I feel compelled to send that text, have that argument, etc).
- Think about how to help yourself, rather than waiting for others to notice your mood and help you with that. If you are feeling down, ask yourself: “what can I do to feel better about myself?”
Are you ready for the ride of your life?
Владимир Осипов поставил(а) лайк
- Владимир ОсиповРабочий
- Сообщения : 50
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Дата регистрации : 2021-08-25
Re: Popular communications forum
Ср Окт 13, 2021 5:53 am
Apple is red.
Sky is blue.
This is an observation,
I hope you noticed too.
I like red apples,
Red is the best.
This is a judgement.
No, this was a test.
We need to understand the differentiation between judging and observing as this is one of the basis of an effective communication.
Observation is simply noticing things as they are, also called awareness or mindfulness. This is manifested without an emotional connection to the situation occurring. Observation implies accepting the world as is.
Judging is comparing “what is” with “what should be” and it implies a heavy dose of subjectivism, it also implies categorizing things as “good” or “bad”.
Sounds a bit complicated so here are a few examples:
Observation: weather is sunny
Judgement: weather is good OR weather sucks.
Observation: your report had 2 items missing
Judgement: your report wasn’t good enough.
Observation: I am feeling sad.
Judgement: I shouldn’t feel sad.
Sky is blue.
This is an observation,
I hope you noticed too.
I like red apples,
Red is the best.
This is a judgement.
No, this was a test.
We need to understand the differentiation between judging and observing as this is one of the basis of an effective communication.
Observation is simply noticing things as they are, also called awareness or mindfulness. This is manifested without an emotional connection to the situation occurring. Observation implies accepting the world as is.
Judging is comparing “what is” with “what should be” and it implies a heavy dose of subjectivism, it also implies categorizing things as “good” or “bad”.
Sounds a bit complicated so here are a few examples:
Observation: weather is sunny
Judgement: weather is good OR weather sucks.
Observation: your report had 2 items missing
Judgement: your report wasn’t good enough.
Observation: I am feeling sad.
Judgement: I shouldn’t feel sad.
Владимир Осипов поставил(а) лайк
- Владимир ОсиповРабочий
- Сообщения : 50
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Дата регистрации : 2021-08-25
Re: Popular communications forum
Ср Окт 13, 2021 5:59 am
Do you feel sometimes overwhelmed by what you feel? Does it feel like a heavy burden that you can’t wait to get rid of?
Let me tell you that is normal and everyone feels this way from time to time, but I’m here to try and help you. When this happens you need to make the noise go away. Close your laptop, turn off the music, stop talking and sit in your favorite place.
place your hand on your heart and breath
focus your thoughts toward the last thing you’re grateful for (even having breakfast is a reason to be grateful)
try to meditate or pray, whatever works for you
procrastinate, know that is not a bad word and it is allowed
talk to someone you trust OR write stuff down, it’ll be interesting to re-read these things and see if they still apply
As always remember that it isn’t always easy and if you need help, I’m here to do just that
Let me tell you that is normal and everyone feels this way from time to time, but I’m here to try and help you. When this happens you need to make the noise go away. Close your laptop, turn off the music, stop talking and sit in your favorite place.
place your hand on your heart and breath
focus your thoughts toward the last thing you’re grateful for (even having breakfast is a reason to be grateful)
try to meditate or pray, whatever works for you
procrastinate, know that is not a bad word and it is allowed
talk to someone you trust OR write stuff down, it’ll be interesting to re-read these things and see if they still apply
As always remember that it isn’t always easy and if you need help, I’m here to do just that
Владимир Осипов поставил(а) лайк
- Владимир ОсиповРабочий
- Сообщения : 50
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Дата регистрации : 2021-08-25
Re: Popular communications forum
Ср Окт 13, 2021 6:00 am
Have you ever been in an argument and you had the perfect answer... just a few hours after the argument?
Me too and I didn’t really like it, so I wanted to change this, therefore, maybe this will help you too.
The secret is to be emotionally detached and this is something that we aren’t really taught.
Let’s start by saying we need to understand why we may have this strong emotions inside of us. There could be many reasons, here are 3:
you may be highly sensitive in that moment
the situation might be triggering a past painful experience
you feel as if you’re losing control of the situation and this triggers feelings of anger and frustrations.
The trick is to be focused on YOUR feelings and reactions while observing them, instead of being focused on the other person.
Fair mention though, emotional detachment isn’t the same as lack of caring or empathy. The first is a healthy coping mechanism, the second might be a sign of psychopathy.
Be aware of what you feel.
Me too and I didn’t really like it, so I wanted to change this, therefore, maybe this will help you too.
The secret is to be emotionally detached and this is something that we aren’t really taught.
Let’s start by saying we need to understand why we may have this strong emotions inside of us. There could be many reasons, here are 3:
you may be highly sensitive in that moment
the situation might be triggering a past painful experience
you feel as if you’re losing control of the situation and this triggers feelings of anger and frustrations.
The trick is to be focused on YOUR feelings and reactions while observing them, instead of being focused on the other person.
Fair mention though, emotional detachment isn’t the same as lack of caring or empathy. The first is a healthy coping mechanism, the second might be a sign of psychopathy.
Be aware of what you feel.
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- СССРРабочий
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Re: Popular communications forum
Ср Окт 13, 2021 6:11 am
When you love someone, when you truly love someone, that person becomes part of you, they become you're life, your everything. They change you and they inspire you in so many different ways that are indescribable. How do you let go of someone who has made such an impact on your life? How do you let go of the only thing that keeps you going, keeps you strong? Loving someone with all you have is letting go of fear, it is growing up. Because when you love someone whole - heartedly, you let go of yourself -to live is to love- so how do you let go of someone you truy care about? The truth is .. I dont think you can, i think no matter what happens, whether you are together or not, they are in your heart… always!
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- FortuneМастер
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Re: Popular communications forum
Ср Окт 13, 2021 6:51 am
An unmanned drone delivered the world's first lung transplant in Toronto last month, the University Health Network says.
The Toronto healthcare group and Unither Bioelectronique, a Quebec bioengineering company, say the drone carrying lungs travelled from Toronto Western Hospital to Toronto General Hospital on Sept. 25.
The journey lasted six minutes and was completed around 1 a.m. local time.
UHN surgeon-in-chief Dr. Shaf Keshavjee says the recipient was a male engineer with an interest in drones and his transplant went well.
To read more, click the link in our bio.
: The Canadian Press
Let us introduce you our latest project in Dilijan. The interior distinguishes with its unusual and non standard design. The use of natural wooden furniture in this interior creates comfort and effortless feeling.
The whole design is emphasized by its rustic materials and accessories. There is no extra element and color here, everything is in its perfect order. Design includes a creative furniture like stump shaped table, wooden chairs and original chandelier.
Kitchen part, for sure, has all the facilities for cooking and, at the same time, to have clean and tidy space due to its’ furnishing orders. So this is a perfect design, where you can feel yourself very close to nature.
The Toronto healthcare group and Unither Bioelectronique, a Quebec bioengineering company, say the drone carrying lungs travelled from Toronto Western Hospital to Toronto General Hospital on Sept. 25.
The journey lasted six minutes and was completed around 1 a.m. local time.
UHN surgeon-in-chief Dr. Shaf Keshavjee says the recipient was a male engineer with an interest in drones and his transplant went well.
To read more, click the link in our bio.
: The Canadian Press
Let us introduce you our latest project in Dilijan. The interior distinguishes with its unusual and non standard design. The use of natural wooden furniture in this interior creates comfort and effortless feeling.
The whole design is emphasized by its rustic materials and accessories. There is no extra element and color here, everything is in its perfect order. Design includes a creative furniture like stump shaped table, wooden chairs and original chandelier.
Kitchen part, for sure, has all the facilities for cooking and, at the same time, to have clean and tidy space due to its’ furnishing orders. So this is a perfect design, where you can feel yourself very close to nature.
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- AvtoNikolaРабочий
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Re: Popular communications forum
Ср Окт 13, 2021 2:34 pm
Somos el mejor país aunque unos pocos miserables lo quieran destruir. Que viva María Lionza Just here to play games Celebración y ofrenda a nuestra madre Reina María Lionza Revolution Skincare X Jake.
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- HSPUBМастер
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Re: Popular communications forum
Ср Окт 13, 2021 7:02 pm
¿Por qué sigue dudando? Si Dios lo hizo una vez, lo puede hacer de nuevo! When keeping it real goes wrong… Floating with a furry friend. O Gottinão está de volta e pronto para comandar o #BalançoGeral desta quarta-feira! Acompanhe o programa ao vivo na tela da @recordtvoficial ou em PlayPlus.com! Vem, vem, vem! “Her vibe is pretty"
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- HSPUBМастер
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Дата регистрации : 2021-10-13
Re: Popular communications forum
Ср Окт 13, 2021 7:06 pm
Hump Day Quiz! Do you know what the tattoo by my collar bone is? WINNER gets a follow back! Ahora si que si! No dia do fisioterapeuta, quero através de @fernandanfm , parabenizar a todos que ajudam na reabilitação e minimizam as dores de tanta gente , inclusive as minhas. Obrigada querida
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